Fortification Set

Fortification Set
These kits include everything you need for a heavily fortified position. The 15mm kit includes six 8" trench sections, eight 4" trench sections, eight trench corner pieces, six bunkers, twelve gun pits, five 2" x 8" minefields, four 2" x 8" sections of anti-tank obstacles and nine 2" x 8" sections of barbed wire. The 10-12mm kit includes nine 6" trench sections, six 3" trench sections, twelve trench corner pieces, six bunkers, nine gun pits, five 6" x 1 1/2" minefields, four 6" x 1 1/2" sections of anti-tank obstacles and nine 1 1/2" x 6" sections of barbed wire. The 20mm kit includes six 12" trench sections, eight 6" trench sections, eight trench corner pieces, six bunkers, twelve gun pits, five 10" x 2 1/2" minefields, four 10" x 2 1/2" sections of anti-tank obstacles and nine 10" x 2 1/2" sections of barbed wire. The 28mm kit includes four 15" trench sections, eight 7 1/2" tench sections, eight trench corner pieces, six bunkers, nine gun pits, five 10" x 3" minefields, four 10" x 3" sections of anti-tank obstacles and nine 10" x 3" sections of barbed wire.