Rorke's Drift

Rorke's Drift
from $20.00
The Zulu War of 1879 is a fascinating period of history. Andperhaps the most famous battle of the war was the gallant defense of themission station at Rorke's Drift where a small group of British soldiers heldoff an attack by a huge number of disciplined Zulu Warriors. This kit allowsyou to build an accurate scale model of the buildings and structures at Rorke'sDrift. The kit includes the Hospital Building, the Commissary Building, a stonekraal, and the mealey bag and biscuit box barricades and redoubt that werebuilt by the defenders. The kit can be constructed with our without additionalreinforcements in the walls (if you wish to add the reinforcement to the wall,you will need foamboard or balsa wood or some similar material which is NOTincluded in the kit). The two buildings come with complete interior detail andlift-off roofs-perfect for gaming! The kit comes in 4 scales. The 25-28mm kitis approximately 45" long by 20" wide when assembled. The 20mm kit is36" by 16", the 15mm scale is 27" by 12" and the 10-12mmscale kit is 20" by 9".